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Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies
ISSN : 0126012X     EISSN : 2338557X     DOI : 10.14421
Al-Jamiah invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related to Islam, Muslim society, and other religions which covers textual and fieldwork investigation with various perspectives of law, philosophy, mysticism, history, art, theology, sociology, anthropology, political science and others.
Articles 18 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 54, No 1 (2016)" : 18 Documents clear
The Political Thought of Mawdudi as a Template for Democratic Sustainability in Nigeria Adebayo, Rafiu Ibrahim
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.147-173


The inseparability of religion and politics is demonstrated in the involvement of prominent ulama (religious scholars) in politics directly or indirectly. Being an important stakeholder in politics, such scholars have been raising their voices on political matters and influencing political decisions in their respective countries. In some cases, such religious scholars performed oppositional role with a view to forcing the ruling government to check their actions which were contradictory to the dictate of their religion. The Islamic revolution in Iran is a living testimony to the fact that religious scholars are relevant to effect new sociological and religio-political paradigms for their countries. It is on this basis that this paper shall explore the political thought of a seasoned reforming Mogul whose thought is significant to democratic sustenance in Nigeria, Maulana Abul A’la Mawdudi (1903 -1979). This sage enunciated some political principles which if strictly studied and adhered to, will help in no small measure in ensuring sustainable democratic governance whose leadership will not regret leading its people and the populace will not eventually curse such a leader. [Agama dan politik dalam banyak hal tidak dapat dipisahkan. Hal ini ditunjukkan antara lain oleh keterlibatan ulama dalam politik, langsung atau tidak. Menjadi bagian dari sistem politik, ulama dapat menyuarakan pandangan mereka dan mempengaruhi keputusan politik di negara masing-masing. Dalam beberapa kasus, para ulama  juga melakukan oposisi untuk memaksa pemerintah melihat kebijakan yang bertentangan dengan ajaran agama. Revolusi Islam di Iran adalah contoh nyata dengan fakta bahwa ulama memiliki peran yang erat terkait dengan paradigma sosiologis dan religio-politik baru bagi negara. Makalah ini akan mengeksplorasi pandangan Maulana Abul A’la Maududi (1903 -1979), tokoh reformist yang pemikirannya sangat penting untuk pengembangan demokrasi di Nigeria. Beberapa prinsip politik akan membantu dalam memastikan pemerintahan yang demokratis berkelanjutan, jika dipelajari dan diikuti dengan benar.]
Islam in Diaspora: Shari’a Law, Piety and Brotherhood at al-Farooq Mosque, Atlanta Nasir, Mohamad Abdun
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.59-93


This article examines Islamic ritual performance of Eid prayer amongst Muslims in Diaspora at al-Farooq Mosque in Atlanta, the US, whose congregational members come from all around the world. Using textual and ethnographical methods, this study focuses on the implementation of shari’a law concerning Islamic prayer and on the meaning and experience of the ritual that emerge amongst the participants who perform it. This study demonstrates that the Eid ritual performance has created a special meaning and particular experience. The ritual is seen as the medium through which the performers forge their piety and strengthen the spirit of brotherhood. The ritual strengthens the brotherhood of the performers, who hold different ethnical and cultural backgrounds. However, the core ritual of Eid prayer remains Islamic and is built on the Muslim Hanafi School. Shari’a law concerning prayer is upheld to maintain the basic requirement where every ritual must be based on the sound Islamic texts. This suggests that the context, namely diasporic Muslim in America, has (re)shaped the meaning of the ritual but does not change the core of the ritual practice.[Tulisan ini mengkaji praktik ritual shalat hari raya (Eid) di masjid al-Farooq Atlanta, Amerika Serikat pada kalangan muslim perantauan dari berbagai belahan dunia. Kajian ini, dengan menggunakan pendekatan tektual dan etnografi, mengamati penerapan hukum Islam dalam hal peribadatan dan pemaknaan serta pengalaman ritual diantara mereka. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa shalat hari raya memberi makna dan pengalaman khusus. Perayaan ini dilihat sebagai medium untuk menunjukkan kesalehan dan menguatkan ikatan persaudaraan sesama muslim meskipun mempunyai latar belakang etnik dan budaya yang berbeda. Meskipun demikian, inti dari ritual tersebut menunjukkan aliran mazhab Hanafi. Pelaksanaan fiqih dalam sholat Eid tetap berpegang pada Qur’an dan Hadits. Dengan kata lain, konteks geografi dan budaya yang berbeda telah membentuk makna baru namun tetap tidak merubah inti dari praktik ibadah yang bermazhab Hanafi.]
Unearthing Nusantara’s Concept of Religious Pluralism: Harmonization and Syncretism in Hindu-Buddhist and Islamic Classical Texts Makin, Al
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.1-30


This article sheds light on  the formulation of pluralism based on the reading of classical Javanese texts by choosing some excerpts of Hindu-Buddhist literature called kakawin and later Islamic works called serat and babad. Dynamic practices of syncretism and harmonization of local and foreign religious traditions are found in the excerpts of Sutasoma, Kertagama, Dewa Ruci, Babad Tanah Jawa, and Centini. From reading of these messages, this writing finds that since the old time of Singasari and Majapahit, harmonization and syncretism of many religious traditions has been practiced as an essential part of the concept of pluralism. Hindu-Buddhist came first in the older literature and later Islamic elements added the complexity of syncretism. This study also finds that Hindu-Buddhist figures are reenacted in the Islamic literature with modifications. The accounts of the famous Javanese saint Sunan Kalijaga reflects the older source of Sutasoma, Ken Arok, Bhima, and other figures. Their stories tell us about the relativism of evil and good, in which evil is not annihilated but converted into goods. This article is an example of our endeavor that pluralism can be formulated based on local wisdom such as reading classical texts with the spirit of reinterpretation of indigenous virtues with a fresh perspective.[Artikel ini mencoba menemukan rumusan pluralisme dengan membaca ulang teks klasik Jawa dengan memilih bagian tertentu dari sastra Hindu-Buddha yang disebut kakawin dan karya Islami yang disebut serat dan babad. Praktik dinamis sinkretisme dan penyelarasan antara tradisi keagamaan lokal dan asing ditemui dalam Sutasoma, Kertagama, Dewa Ruci, Babad Tanah Jawa, dan Centini. Dari hasil bacaan teks-teks di atas, tulisan ini menemukan bahwa sejak masa kuno Singasari dan Majapahit, penyelarasan dan sinkretisme antara banyak tradisi keagamaan telah dipraktikkan sebagai bagian penting dari konsep pluralisme. Hindu-Buddha datang pertama lalu disusul oleh karya Islam yang menambah nuansa sinkretis. Studi ini juga menemukan bahwa tokoh Hindu-Buddha diceritakan ulang dalam karya Islam dengan berbagai modifikasi. Cerita tentang Sunan Kalijaga mencerminkan sumber yang lebih tua seperti Sutasoma, Ken Arok, Bhima, dan tokoh-tokoh lain. Kisah mereka mengajarkan kepada kita tentang relativitas antara kejahatan dan kebaikan; kejahatan tidak dimusnahkan tetapi diubah menjadi kebaikan. Artikel ini merupakan contoh usaha  untuk merumuskan konsep pluralisme berdasarkan kebijakan lokal dengan membaca kembali teks-teks klasik dengan semangat penafsiran ulang ajaran lokal dengan perspektif baru.]
The Effect of the Abbasids’ Political Disintegration on the Architectural Development of the Prophet’s Mosque Omer, Spahic
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.175-202


This article discusses the contributions of the Abbasid caliphs to the architectural development of the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah. Those contributions began almost as early as the Abbasid caliphal government had officially emerged as the successor to the Umayyads, and ended with a major rebuilding and renovation work in 887 AH/1482 CE, about 35 years before the ultimate dissolution of the Abbasid regime. The last work was executed by the Mamluk rulers as the Abbasid proxies. The paper focuses on discussing the consequences and implications of a political disintegration during the Abbasid era for the architectural development and serviceability of the mosque. The article concludes that the Abbasid contributions to the architectural development of the Mosque were rather inadequate. The blame is to be attributed partly to the Abbasids themselves and partly to the prevalent circumstances in the state that eventually incapacitated the Abbasid government from performing its entrusted duties and responsibilities. However, even for the creation and fostering of the latter, it was again the Abbasids who more than anybody else are to be held accountable.[Artikel ini membahas peran para khalifah Abbasiyah dalam pengembangan arsitektur Masjid Nabawi di Madinah. Kontribusi mereka dimulai sejak awal pemerintahan Abbasiyah muncul sebagai penerus Umayyah dan berakhir dengan renovasi besar pada 887 H/1482 M, sekitar tiga dasawarsa menjelang berakhirnya pemerintahan Abbasiyah di Mesir. Pekerjaan terakhir dilakukan oleh penguasa Mamluk sebagai wakil Dinasti Abbasiyah. Fokus makalah ini adalah konsekuensi dan implikasi dari disintegrasi politik selama era Abbasiyah terhadap pengembangan arsitektur dan fumgsi Masjid Nabawi. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa kontribusi Dinasti Abbasiyah untuk pengembangan arsitektur Masjid Nabawi kurang memadai, sebagai cerminan ketidakmampuan para khalifah Abbasiyah menjalankan peran, fungsi, dan tanggung jawabnya. Bahkan sebenarnya dalam renovasi yang terakhir pun, orang lain yang bertanggung jawab.]
Abuse of Islamic Law and Child Marriage in South-Sulawesi Indonesia Salenda, Kasjim
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.95-121


This article examines the prevalence of child marriage in South-Sulawesi Indonesia including people’s perceptions and its factors contributing to child marriage and the use religion to justify their actions. They perceive child marriage as the marriage conducted prior to the age of 16 for woman and of 19 for man as stipulated in the Marriage Law No.1 of 1974, as well as the marriage before ‘akil balig’. Various determinants for child marriage are cultural norms or values of ‘siri’ (shame) for family honour; family prestige and kinship; uneducated parents; economic burden for family and inconsistency in legislation. No religious teachings or Islamic Law clearly support the prevalence of child marriage because the purpose of marriage in Islam is to perform a happy and harmonious relationship among the couple. The use of the Prophet Muhammad’s marriage to Aisha in the age of six as the fundamental basis for child marriage is unjustified.[Tulisan ini membahas kasus-kasus pernikahan anak di Sulawesi Selatan, termasuk persepsi masyarakat dan faktor-faktor pendukungnya diantaranya penggunaan dalil agama (Islam) untuk membenarkan tindakan tersebut. Masyarakat memahami pernikahan anak sebagaimana tercantum dalam UU Pernikahan No. 1 Tahun 1974 bahwa pernikahan anak terjadi pada usia dibawah 19 tahun bagi laki-laki dan 16 tahun bagi perempuan dan atau mereka yang belum akil balig’. Beberapa factor dominan dalam pernikahan anak antara lain; norma adat lokal (‘siri), kehormatan keluarga dan kerabat, orangtua yang kurang terpelajar, beban ekonomi keluarga dan ketidakkonsisten penegakan peraturan. Pada dasarnya tidak ada ajaran Islam atau fiqih yang secara tegas mendukung pernikahan anak karena tujuan dari pernikahan dalam Islam adalah kebahagiaan dan keharmonisan hubungan antar suami istri. Menggunakan rujukan pernikahan Nabi Muhammad dengan Aisyah saat usia enam tahun merupakan perkara yang tidak bisa dibenarkan.]
Unified Islamic Calendar in the Perspective of Islamic Legal Philosophy Anwar, Syamsul
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.203-247


This paper discusses the principles of unified Islamic calendar in the perspective of Uṣūl al-Fiqh. It answers questions about the possibility of applying the theory of maqāṣid al-syarīʻah in unifying the Islamic calendar and whether ru’yat al-hilāl is the purpose of the shariah since it is legally stated by the Prophet. Since the unification of the Islamic calendar necessities al-hisāb al-falaky, is it allowed to not performing ru’yat al-hilāl? The author also discusses some concepts on unifying Islamic calendar as well as compares between Turkey and Morocco calendars.[Makalah ini membahas prinsip penyatuan kalender Islam dalam perspektif Uṣūl al-Fiqh. Pertanyaan yang akan dijawab antara lain tentang kemungkinan menerapkan teori maqāṣid al-syarīʻah dalam upaya penyatuan kalender Islam. Pertanyaan lainnya adalah apakah rukyat secara langsung merupakan tujuan dari syariat, padahal penyatuan kalender Islam meniscayakan metode hisab sebagai pedoman. Lantas, bolehkah meninggalkan rukyat dan mempedomani hisab? Penulis juga mendiskusikan beberapa konsep tawaran penyatuan kalender Islam serta membandingkan antara kalender Turki dan Maroko.]
Delivering Islamic Studies and Teaching Diversity in Southern Thai Islamic Schools Raihani, Raihani; Karim, Promadi; M. Asyari, Sopyan; Mahnun, Nunu
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.123-146


Teaching religious and cultural diversities would possibly be one of the greatest challenges to teachers of Islamic in Southern Thai Islamic schools due to the strong Islamic ideology they hold, lack of proper training for their professional growth, and the ongoing ethno-political conflict in the area. This paper explores how such a challenge has been faced. It particularly describes the teaching process of Islamic studies in Thai Islamic schools and explores opportunities within it for promoting religious and cultural diversities. We also look into possible opportunities for Islamic teachers to teach and students to learn about the diverse reality of society. We found that the deliveries of Islamic fell squarely within the concept of teaching into religion using a heavy confessional approach. Indoctrination with a little encouragement of critical thinking was common in Islamic classes. The presentation of other faiths and cultures was designed to explore their weaknesses and fallacies from a single believed-Islamic perspective.[Pengajaran keragaman budaya dan agama merupakan sebuah tantangan besar bagi guru pendidikan keislaman pada sekolah di Thailand Selatan, seiring dengan pemahaman keislaman mereka yang kuat, kesenjangan tingkat perkembangan profesionalitas, dan konflik politik etnik di daerah tersebut. Tulisan ini mengetengahkan persoalan yang mereka hadapi, khususnya deskripsi proses pengajaran studi keislaman di sekolah Islam lokal dan peluang dalam promosi keragaman budaya dan agama. Tulisan ini juga melihat kemungkinan peluang bagi guru agama Islam dan anak didiknya untuk saling belajar dari realitas keragaman dalam masyarakat. Kami menemukan bahwa menyampaikan pengetahuan keislaman harus tepat dengan konsep pengajaran bagi pemeluk agamanya menggunakan pendekatan keyakinan yang lurus. Indoktrinasi dengan sedikit dorongan pemikiran kritis merupakan kewajaran dalam kelas agama. Presentasi agama dan budaya lain didesain untuk eksplorasi kekurangan dan kesalahan dari perspektif yang monolitik.]
Editorial: Migrating to the Online Journal Management
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


States and Local Legal Cultures in Medieval Islam: A comparative study of Akbar’s Mughal Rule and Sultan Agung’s Mataram in 16th and 17th Century Achmad, Noor; Nurcholis, Nanang
Al-Jamiah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jamiah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.33-57


This study seeks to expand the horizon of existing literatures on the dialectic of religion, legal culture and local dynamics by comparing two great Muslim rulers in two different parts of the world in the first Islamic millennium: Mughal Emperor Akbar and Mataram’s Sultan Agung. It specifically aims to analyze historical accounts on the dynamic relations between Islamic norms and local culture with corresponding results of distinctive ways of ruling by these two great rulers. While both rulers Akbar and Sultan Agung shared similar concerns in political imagination, their difference was particularly shown in the representation of religion in the courts’ political and legal culture, with the latter was heavily determined by different challenges they faced during their rule. This paper argues that a comparative overview of these two great figures, who ruled in different parts of the world and at rather successive periods, would be beneficial for the studies of religion-culture relations in flagging the variation and extent of manifestation of Islamic global norms in local legal cultures which heavily determined by their corresponding local dynamics. As a literary or library research, it uses eclectic, blended, with qualitative method in content analysis.[Studi ini berupaya memperluas horison literatur-literatur yang ada tentang dialektika agama, budaya hukum dan dinamika lokal dengan membandingkan dua penguasa besar Muslim di dua belahan dunia yang berbeda pada millennia Islam pertama yaitu Raja Akbar dari Dinasti Mughal dan Sultan Agung Kerajaan Mataram. Secara spesifik, studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa catatan-catatan historis relasi dinamis antara norma Islam dengan budaya lokal dengan hasil temuan yang menunjukkan cara berkuasa/memerintah yang berbeda diantara dua penguasa tersebut. Sementara keduanya (Akbar dan Agung) memiliki kemiripan dalam imajinasi politik, di sisi lain, perbedaan mereka ditunjukkan dalam hal representasi agama dalam budaya hukum dan politik terutama ditentukan oleh perbedaan tantangan yang mereka hadapi ketika mereka berkuasa. Studi ini membuktikan bahwa dengan membandingkan dua figur yang memerintah di belahan dunia yang berbeda pada masa yang berurutan, akan memberikan manfaaat terhadap studi relasi agama dan budaya dalam mewarnai variasi dan lingkup manifestasi norma-norma global Islam dalam budaya hukum lokal yang banyak ditentukan oleh dinamika lokal yang bersesuaian. Sebagai penelitian kepustakaan (literer), studi ini menggunakan pendekatan eklektik dengan metode kualitatif dalam analisis ini (content analysis)].
States and Local Legal Cultures in Medieval Islam: A comparative study of Akbar’s Mughal Rule and Sultan Agung’s Mataram in 16th and 17th Century Noor Achmad; Nanang Nurcholis
Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies Vol 54, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Al-Jami'ah Research Centre

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/ajis.2016.541.33-57


This study seeks to expand the horizon of existing literatures on the dialectic of religion, legal culture and local dynamics by comparing two great Muslim rulers in two different parts of the world in the first Islamic millennium: Mughal Emperor Akbar and Mataram’s Sultan Agung. It specifically aims to analyze historical accounts on the dynamic relations between Islamic norms and local culture with corresponding results of distinctive ways of ruling by these two great rulers. While both rulers Akbar and Sultan Agung shared similar concerns in political imagination, their difference was particularly shown in the representation of religion in the courts’ political and legal culture, with the latter was heavily determined by different challenges they faced during their rule. This paper argues that a comparative overview of these two great figures, who ruled in different parts of the world and at rather successive periods, would be beneficial for the studies of religion-culture relations in flagging the variation and extent of manifestation of Islamic global norms in local legal cultures which heavily determined by their corresponding local dynamics. As a literary or library research, it uses eclectic, blended, with qualitative method in content analysis.[Studi ini berupaya memperluas horison literatur-literatur yang ada tentang dialektika agama, budaya hukum dan dinamika lokal dengan membandingkan dua penguasa besar Muslim di dua belahan dunia yang berbeda pada millennia Islam pertama yaitu Raja Akbar dari Dinasti Mughal dan Sultan Agung Kerajaan Mataram. Secara spesifik, studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa catatan-catatan historis relasi dinamis antara norma Islam dengan budaya lokal dengan hasil temuan yang menunjukkan cara berkuasa/memerintah yang berbeda diantara dua penguasa tersebut. Sementara keduanya (Akbar dan Agung) memiliki kemiripan dalam imajinasi politik, di sisi lain, perbedaan mereka ditunjukkan dalam hal representasi agama dalam budaya hukum dan politik terutama ditentukan oleh perbedaan tantangan yang mereka hadapi ketika mereka berkuasa. Studi ini membuktikan bahwa dengan membandingkan dua figur yang memerintah di belahan dunia yang berbeda pada masa yang berurutan, akan memberikan manfaaat terhadap studi relasi agama dan budaya dalam mewarnai variasi dan lingkup manifestasi norma-norma global Islam dalam budaya hukum lokal yang banyak ditentukan oleh dinamika lokal yang bersesuaian. Sebagai penelitian kepustakaan (literer), studi ini menggunakan pendekatan eklektik dengan metode kualitatif dalam analisis ini (content analysis)].

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